
08. Photon polarization and quantum computing (Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm)

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Recommended prerequisites:
05. Polarization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RowMxWt4mVE
07. Introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum optics : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfdpXSU-E_E

0:00 Overview and introduction


2:43 Polarization states as two-level quantum systems
5:42 A comment on the meaning of 'superposition'
7:18 A comment on the meaning of the phase of a quantum coefficient
9:37 A comment on pure and mixed states: an analogy with partial polarization
11:44 Summary of the analogy between polarization states and two-level quantum systems


12:52 Describing the polarization state of a two-photon system: tensor product of vectors
14:22 Tensor product of operators
15:25 Unentangled and entangled states


18:47 Problem statement and classical solution
19:43 The solution using quantum computation
21:32 A more mathematical description of the algorithm
23:47 Some comments on the quantum physics behind the algorithm


24:37 Problem statement and overview of the solution
25:44 Mathematical reformulation of the problem
33:18 Period finding using quantum computation
36:08 Quantum Fourier transform
38:42 Approximating a fraction using continued fractions
40:06 Summary of Shor's algorithm

How Shor's Algorithm Factors 314191

Quantum Computing Course: 3.8 Shor's Algorithm

Grovers Algorithm - Explained With Visuals

The quantum Grover’s algorithm

Grover's Algorithm | Simplified | Quantum Computing

4 Minute Quantum - Shor's Algorithm

Shor's Algorithm: Quantum Computing Could Break Cryptography #ShorsAlgorithm#QuantumCryptography

Shor's Algorithm: The algorithm that changed everything

Grovers Algorithm — Programming on Quantum Computers — Coding with Qiskit S2E3

EdX Grover's Search Algorithm

Quantum Computing #23: Breaking Cryptography Using Shor's Factoring Algorithm

A Visual Introduction to Grover's Algorithm and Reflections

What is Shor's factoring algorithm?

Quantum Algorithms Explained

Grover's Algorithm | Understanding Quantum Information & Computation: Lesson 08

HackadayU: Intro to Quantum Computing - Shor's Algorithm Class 9.1

Quantum Computing # 26: Grover's - The Most Beautiful Quantum Algorithm Bird's Eye View

Basics of Shor's Algorithm

How Does a Quantum Computer Work?

Introduction to Quantum Computing (23) - Grover's Algorithm: Implementation

Quantum Algorithms - An Overview

7. Shor's Algorithm I: Understanding Quantum Fourier Transform, Quantum Phase Estimation - Part 1

EdX Introduction to Shor's Algorithm

Period-Finding (Simon's Algorithm over Z_N): Lecture 15 of Quantum Computation at CMU

Quantum Physics - Grover's Algorithm - Phase Inversion - Helix of Time - Quantum Circuit

Grover's Algorithm

HackadayU: Intro to Quantum Computing - Grover's Algorithm Class 8.2

Grover's Algorithm

The Map of Quantum Computing - Quantum Computing Explained

Writing My First Quantum Algorithm — Programming on Quantum Computers — Coding with Qiskit S2E2

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