
84 - Pompey II: Empire of Venus

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Pompey becomes Rome’s greatest conqueror, and empire builder, but faces even greater trials back home in Rome. People Sulla Felix, the Dictator Pompey The Pirates Posidonius the Stoic Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus Lucius Licinius Lucullus Cicero, the Orator Manilius, the Tribune Julius Caesar Theophanes of Mytilene Queen Monime Tigranes the Great of Armenia Tigranes the Younger, Prince Albani(ans) of Caucasus Iberians of Caucasus King Phraates of Parthia The Parthians Antiochus XIII, Seleucid King Aretas, King of the Nabatean Arabs Aristobulus of Judea Hyrcanus of Judea Aulus Gabinius Josephus (Jewish Historian) Marcus Licinius Crassus, Richest Man in Rome Marcus Porcius Cato (the Younger) Metellus Celer Metellus Nepos M. Calpurnius Bibulus Publius Clodius Pulcher, Slum Lord Milo Julia Domitius Ahenobarbus Places Sicily Sardinia Corsica North Africa Rhodes Cilicia Cappadocia Galatia Armenia Artaxata Mt Ararat Sophene Syria Bithynia Pontus Caucasus Colchis Albania (Caucasus) Iberia (Caucasus) Bosphoran Kingdom (Crimea / Azov) Damascus Petra (Arabia) Judea Jordan River Valley Jericho Jerusalem Campus Martius Alban Hills / Lake / Villa Luca

Image: The Triumph of Pompey, Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, 1765. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Cost of Glory
Episode 84
April 9, 2024

★ Episode details: https://share.transistor.fm/s/da1bb1ca

★ Additional episodes: https://ancientlifecoach.com

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