
【KARATE】 How to train Jodan Mawashi-geri by Tatsuya Naka(JKA)With subtitles of various languages!

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#中達也 #tatsuyanaka #karate


The 80-year-old Karate-ka, Masaaki Ueki of JKA , 13 languages subtitles

A 57-year-old Karate Master tries Boxing! 【Ryota Murata・Tatsuya Naka】With various subtitles.

Is it possible to incorporate Karate into Boxing?【Ryota Murata・Tatsuya Naka】With various subtitles.

十手の型(日本空手協会 根本敬介師範)Kata "Jitte" Keisuke Nemoto Shihan of JKA

How to use "Yama-zuki" of "Karate" in MMA fight? With subtitles of various languages!

Wado-ryu Karate combines traditional Karate with Jujutsu and Swordsmanship!

Karate Kata Collection【Heian Nidan, Kanku-dai, Sochin 】by Miki Nakamachi

【五十四歩小】形の世界チャンピオンが大切にしていること Important point of Gojyu-shiho Sho

中達也が見せる【素手と武器】Empty hand and Weapon in Karate

松濤館流の中達也と和道流の大塚博紀が握手! Smile! Wado-ryu and Shotokan-ryu Karate

【少林寺拳法と空手】夢の交流の舞台裏を明かそう(中達也・井上弘) Amazing encounter of Shorinjikempo and Karate

Elucidated with multiple cameras! The secret of Tatsuya Naka's "Oi-zuki, Long distance punch!

沖縄空手は超実用的な護身術だった!Okinawa Karate is the art of self-defense

Karate Girl tries Sword Battle technique of Chinese Kung-fu!

伝統空手女子とカンフー男子が技を掛け合う映像 Karate Girl meets Kung-fu Boy!

Karate Girl challenges "Ebi-geri" of Taido!

Sixty-year old Iron Fist Karate-man and Young Karate Actor!

フランス料理のレストランみたいなカンフー道場French restaurant? No, Kung-fu Dojo!

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