
Warsaw fire destroys shopping center | World News German

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Our topics today include:
- Georgian protests continue ahead of the third reading “foreign agents” law
- Kyiv evacuates Vovchansk residents as Russian troops advance
- Polish opposition calls for response from FM ministry after remarks by Israeli ambassador
- Vladimir Putin replaces Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu with a non-military official


Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, TVP World is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find world news as seen from the Polish perspective and the latest news from the CEE region. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.


New Russian tactics turn into a disaster | Military Mind

New 'Wild Hornet' Drones! | Military Mind

Green Light on Striking Russia | Eastern Express

Kharkiv Defenders Blow Up Russian pride! | Military Mind

‘Five bullets from the Russians and another five from corruption’ | Break the Fake

Festival of hatred on Russian television | Break the Fake

Polish Minister’s Comments Spark Wild Fantasy | Break the Fake

11 Russians Down, 3 Captured in Kharkiv! | Military Mind

U.S., U.K., NATO Chief, and Poland's Sikorski in the Crosshairs! | Break the Fake

Russia Just Wants a Little Piece...Ukraine, Baltics, Maybe Poland | How We Got Here

Possible green light for limited use of NATO weapons against targets in Russia | Ben Hodges

U.S. Lawmakers Visit Taiwan | Eastern Express

Unyielding Warriors on the Frontline | Military Mind

Gen. Rejmund Andrzejczak: “Ukraine, enough to fight but not to win” | Ukraine This Week

Dragon’s teeth and drones: the new red line  | How We Got Here

Ukrainian air defense systems destroy 7 Russian missiles and 32 drones | World News German

Kharkiv Under Heavy Bombardment | Andreas Umland

The fight against Russian propaganda | Wider View

Current Challenges Facing Taiwan | Elizabeth Freund Larus

Russia producing three times more artillery shells than U.S. and Europe for Ukraine | Gary Tabach

Russia’s Deep Economic Ties | Eastern Express

Russian influence in Europe - police in the European Parliament | Sergei Erofeev

Closure of the Article 7 procedure against Poland | Bogusław Chrabota

Georgian president's veto overruled by Georgian Dream government | Eastern Express

"There is no glory without a fight" | Military Mind | TVP World

Miedviediev - a born loser | Break the Fake | TVP World


Civil War in Russia is getting hotter | Break the Fake | TVP World

International Legion Fighters Clean Up Chasiv Yar | Military Mind

NAFO anniversary with host Jonasz Rewiński | TVP World

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