
ADHD in Girls: How to Recognize the Symptoms

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In this video I highlight the different ways ADHD symptoms tend to express themselves in girls. For a better sense of ADHD in general check out "How to Know if You Have ADHD:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx13a2-unjE

To clarify: I am not suggesting that there is a "girl" or a "boy" form of ADHD. Any gender can have the hyperactivity component, and any gender can be primarily inattentive. In this video I talk about what is more common; however, it's important that we learn to recognize both forms in all genders.

ADHD in girls: What You Need to Know: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/child-learning-disabilities/add-adhd/adhd-in-girls?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4vHZtbPE2gIVDjBpCh26BAHJEAAYAiAAEgJ9pvD_BwE

Lost Generation of Women: https://qz.com/592364/decades-of-failing-to-recognize-adhd-in-girls-has-created-a-lost-generation-of-women/

ADD Women and Girls: Late ADHD Diagnosis, Little Treatment (ADDitude magazine): http://bit.ly/23Clh2H

Diagnosing ADHD Girls (ADDitude magazine): http://bit.ly/1Nn8sjq

Neuropsychiatric differences between boys and girls with ADHD (Psychiatric Times): http://bit.ly/1VkBuHW

00:00 - Intro & Find The ADHDer!
00:46 - Why DOES ADHD go unnoticed in girls?
02:37 - How do we know what to look for?
04:01 - Video Wrap-Up & Outro!

"The Show Must Be Go,”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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