
Reinebringen Hike | Lofoten Islands | Norway

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This is the 1st day in Lofoten. We came from Oslo to Evenes by air.
From Evenes, tool the Hertz Car Rental and drove to Borg, Vestvagoy. It was a 4.5 hr drive as I was driving slow because of. the Left hand driving condition.
However 95% of the times, the roads were deserted. Hardly any car in front and behind.

Airbnb stay in Vestavgoy was in a scenic location.

Next day plan was to hike Reinebringen. Started at 4AM towards Renie. Reine was 60KM away from our Airbnb. Kind of 1hr drive.
There is only one Free Car parking in Reine which gets filled up very fast.
So we started early and to my surprise, it was almost full with Motorhomes.
This is the GPS of the Parking - https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/67%C2%B054'43.1%22N+13%C2%B004'27.2%22E/@67.911976,13.0716391,316m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d67.911976!4d13.074214?entry=ttu

Rest of the parking were paid and very costly which is in Reine Village.

The hike was 2000 steps. It was quite steep. We took numerous breaks to reach to the top.
And the view from the top was breathtaking. As if we were in some fairy land.

The entire hike took us around 3.5 hrs. It was almost 10AM by the time we reached back the car parking.
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