
Is Music Permitted in Advertisement on Peace TV? – Dr Zakir Naik

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Is Music Permitted in Advertisement on Peace TV? – Dr Zakir Naik

Questioner: Hello Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehamatullahi ta’la Wa Barkathu! I’m Nawaz Ahmad, I’m working Al Kauda trading not Al Qaida, Al Kauda trading, sales man. Now music is Haraam. Everybody Muslims know. My question is now you’re starting Peace TV, Alhumdulillah. Media’s very important advertisement. Advertisement music is Haraam or Halaaal?

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked that all the Muslims know that the Music is Haraam but when we start a channel there will be advertisement. So in advertisement Music is haraam or halaal. See what is Haraam is Haraam. If it’s Haraam in Saudi, its Haraam in UAE, it is Haraam in USA, Haraam in India also unless your life is in danger. like alcohol is Haraam but if your life is in danger, alcohol is the only drug that can save you that is the only exception to the rule, if your life is in danger.

So here without advertisement InshaAllah, our channel won’t be in danger. See that’s why I said that running a channel is difficult, running a channel on Islamic lines is more difficult. Therefore I pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) that may he keep us on the Hidaaya. If it cannot run on Islamic lines, we’ll close the channel, InshaAllah. If we cannot run it on Islamic lines we’ll close the channel because being on the Islamic Shariah is more important than starting a channel. We should not compromise. We cannot reach to the truth with Haraam means. What is Haraam is Haraam. What we can do is we can substitute with Halaal. We can substitute with Halaal for example if the musical instruments are Haraam the Duff is allowed, we can use natural sounds like the gushing of water, like thunder, lighting, chirping of birds. If you see the programmes of IRF in the starting the effects are.. you will not find that music is missing though we don’t use music but the way it is presented with the natural sounds etc. Alhumdulillah. It has, if not equal someway close to the effect. But a good effect. It will not take you away from Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), it’ll take you towards Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) so you can use natural sounds. And we will not aloe any adds which are Haraam, any adds which are haraam whether it be adds containing of Alcohol, whether adds of interest based companies or banks whether it be involving or exposing of women etc. Those who want to give Halaal ads with Halaal means, they’re most welcome otherwise we don’t require them. We require the help of Allah which is more important. Hope that answers the question.

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