
Lace Egg Rolls & Black Sesame Egg Rolls Recipe | 蕾絲蛋捲 & 黑芝麻蛋捲 | 早餐與甜點系列 | 簡單食譜

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Lace Egg Rolls & Black Sesame Egg Rolls Recipe |蕾絲蛋捲 & 黑芝麻蛋捲|早餐與甜點系列 |簡單食譜

我們想與大家分享如何在家用簡單食材做出蕾絲蛋捲 & 黑芝麻蛋捲
We would like to share with everyone how to make the lace egg rolls & sesame egg rolls with simple ingredients

主要食材【Main Ingredients】:

1) 雞蛋 3粒【Eggs x3】
2) 牛油 40克 【Butter 40g】
3) 糖 40克【Sugar 40g】
4) 牛奶 40毫升【Milk 40ml】
5) 黑芝麻少許【Black Sesame】
6) 低筋麵粉 100克【Low Gluten Flour 100g】

方法 (Method):

1) 牛油[40克] 隔熱水融化 [Melt the butter (40g) with hot water]

2) 打散3粒雞蛋,加入糖[40克],牛奶[40毫升],融化的牛油[40克], 攪拌均勻 [Beat 3 eggs, add in sugar(40g), milk(40ml) & melted butter (40g), then mix it well]

3) 低筋麵粉[100克]過篩,加入麵糊攪拌均勻至無粉粒 [Sift the Low Gluten Flour [100g] & add into batter and mix it well. Stirred until there is no flour seen]

4) 把擠花袋放入杯中固定 [Put the pastry bag into a cup]

5) 一半的麵糊過篩後放入擠花袋 [Sift half of the batter before put into the pastry bag]

6) 把擠花袋綁緊[Tie the pastry bag tightly]

7)不沾鍋以最小的火熱鍋 [Cook in non-stick pan with lowest heat]

8) 擠花袋剪個小小的洞,然後隨性打圈圈,儘量平均分佈 [Cut a tiny hole at pastry bag, draw a random circle which spread evenly]

9) 捲起面皮 [Roll it up]

10) 預備黑芝麻蛋捲麵糊 [Prepare the black sesame egg rolls batter]

11) 麵糊過篩後加入黑芝麻 [Sift the batter then add in the black sesame]

12) 不沾鍋以最小的火熱鍋 [Cook in non-stick pan with lowest heat]

13) 加入蛋糊後蓋上烘焙紙,再往下壓平[Add in the batter, then cover it with baking paper & press on it]

14) 捲起面皮 [Roll it up]

15)烤箱烘烤150度C, 10至15分鐘, 烘烤時間需根據各自的烤箱火力自行調整,烤至香脆即可 [Bake in 150C oven for 10-15min. Baking time need to adjust accordingly, bake until crispy & fragrant)

16) 完成 [Completed]

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