
RT2021 / Ben Hodges

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Conversation with Ben Hodges is part of the "Security: How 2020 changed our threat perception" bloc of the Risks & Trends 2021 conference.

- Ben Hodges, Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies, Center for European Policy Analysis

- Marek 艢wierczy艅ski, Head of Security and International Affairs Desk, Polityka Insight

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Risks & Trends is a top-level, annual conference organised by Polityka Insight. It brings together leading business figures, policy makers and experts for a conversation on global, European and local risks to the economy. Full agenda: https://www.politykainsight.pl/risksandtrends2021

Main Partner: Orange Polska
Partner: E.ON edis energia, IKEA Polska, Microsoft, Visa
Content Partners: European Council on Foreign Relations, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Media Partner: TOK FM

#RisksTrends2021 #security #PolitykaInsight

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