
How I Read MORE Books | 6 Tips to build a Reading Habit

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Hey guys!! In this video I'm going to be talking about my journey to reading more books. It's a journey I've been on for a while, and honestly, have been failing quite spectacularly at for a while. So welcome to How I read more books (after failing for 4 years). These are 6 tips to build a reading habit, they're some of my favorite in the game, and are, in reality, practical and simple to implement in your lives.

First things first, you should read what you relate to. It's so strange to hear people advocating for reading more without specifying WHAT you should actually read. Pick a genre, pick a domain that genuinely interests you before jumping into an ocean of pages with no direction. After that, just trust that your curiosity will guide you, and you will find yourselves relating and investing your time into books that provide you a deeper insight into fields you love. Also, we're a little selfish sometimes, and we like books we can relate to or draw real value from, so try that out maybe?

Second, is a method author of Atomic Habits James Clear calls Habit Stacking. If you've already developed one habit, it's much easier to club reading alongside that habit to follow through with it more consistently - since you're already mentally committed to doing that one habit.

Third, you should know yourself. I can't stress this enough, reading doesn't work the same for everyone. Audiobooks like Audible & Podcasts just didn't work for me because I couldn't retain any of the information I listened to. Similarly, I now read first thing in the morning because I know that reading isn't my biggest priority, so the sooner I get it out of the way the better! Lastly, it's important you figure out your Analog to Technology ratio, and how you would like to go through a book.

Fourth up is Habit Tracking, very simple, very intuitive, have a framework that can hold you accountable and a framework that you can use to check the progress you're making on these habits. Lastly, distinguish between reading and studying. Note taking is definitely important when it comes to reading, but don't let anyone tell you it's more important than reading for the joy of reading. If you look at a book as a task from the get go, you're going to be in trouble.

Introduction: 00:00
Giveaway: 01:30
Read to Relate: 01:51
Habit Stacking: 03:28
Know Yourself: 05:03
Audiobooks didn't work for me: 06:36
Tech vs Analog: 07:13
Input-Based Goals: 08:46
Habit Tracking: 10:55
Reading vs Studying: 11:54
Conclusion: 13:21
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