
MR. NOBODY -tribute

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WARNING: This video has much spoilers, so if you don't want to know what happens in this movie, do not watch this. After you've seen the movie, then come back and watch this. :)

This is my tribute to the most amazing movie in the whole entire universe.
When I saw the film first time, it totally blowed my mind. It comes to my mind every day, some little things are making me think about things in the film, and it's just absolutely brilliant.

I'm so sad that it's one of those movies that people don't know about.
I've been reading reviews about this film, and even the critics love it.
Some critic said that against the story-line of Mr.Nobody, even Inception looks like some dude is just playing with some weird ideas. And that's lots to say, because personally I love Inception too.

But Mr.Nobody makes me think way more than Inception did.
I've always loved movies that have so many different meanings that it's impossible to even tell them all.. And this is definitely the best of those movies. The story-line is amazing, it gets you nicely confused but still there's a change to understand it.

I could keep going, telling you how great the movie is, but maybe it's the best to just say:
Go and see it yourself.
Then come to tell me if I was wrong.
If you haven't seen the movie, there's no reasons to come and say that the movie isn't that good. Because it's impossible to even try to get it explained in 7 minutes. This is just a little view of the film, you really need to go and see it. Or if you've already seen it, go and see it again. And tell everyone about it, and make sure people around you know about this masterpiece.

Now someone is saying that I'm just some weird Leto-fangirl who has a crush on him and that's the only reason I love the movie. But no. I would love it without Jared too, I can tell that straight away. Ofcourse Jared is doing an amazing job as an actor, it definitely shows that he understands what this movie is about. It's not because "he's hot", it's because he's absolutely awesome actor. If you didn't know that before, after this movie - you do.
Other actors are just as amazing, and I'm giving all my rispect for Mr. Jaco Van Dormael for writing and directing this film. That man is genius.

I hope that you like what you see in this short clip I made. I might be doing another one because there was lots and lots of those parts that I just couldn't get in this one. Thank you for watching! :)

Movie: Mr. Nobody
Song: Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

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