
Day 1. Learning about fundamental attitude and training etiquettes in Taekwondo

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It is very nice to meet you all and we welcome each and every one of you who are interested in Taekwondo stories and techniques. I am Russell Ahn, the director of UC Martial Arts Program and the head coach for Cal taekwondo team. Did you know that the US Taekwondo movement & World University Taekwondo Championship started from UC Berkeley?
The US Collegiate Taekwondo in 1970, US Taekwondo in 1974, and the World University Taekwondo Championship started from UC Berkeley in 1986, so we are greatly honored and pleased to share some behind stories of Taekwondo development and various Taekwondo training methods with Cal Taekwondo Team. The Cal Taekwondo team is one of strongest collegiate teams in the country and we are grateful to be taking you on the journey of discovering behind stories of taekwondo and various training methods.
1. What is Taekwondo?
- Taekwondo (태권도)
- 跆 태 Tae (=‘to kick’ or ‘to step’),
- 拳 권 Kwon(= ‘to thrust’, ‘to punch’),
- 道 도 Do (= self-awareness  mental discipline  enlightenment)
- Taekwondo as educational tool: educational goal or objectives
- Character building experience by disciplining the mind, the body, and the sprit
- Five tenets of Taekwondo: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, indomitable spirit, self-control

2. Fundamental etiquettes.
Dojang etiquettes
- Bow before stepping on and stepping off the mat
- No shoes and jewelry on the mats.
- Proper martial arts attire is required-absolutely no exceptions.
Dojang safety rules
- No contact activities (i.e. sparring) during open workout hours unless:
- No working out in the Martial Arts Room unless a supervisor is present.
- If a supervisor must leave and cannot find a proper replacement, all activities must cease, and individuals must step off the mat.
- Room supervisor is required to know first aid and CPR.
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