
Exam Success Hypnosis & Meditation | Increase Motivation & Confidence, Reduce Anxiety | Dark Screen

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#examanxiety #examstudyhypnosis #examsuccesshypnosis

Please Read Before Listening: This audio track contains hypnotic suggestions and language patterns that can induce drowsiness and sleep. Under no circumstances should you listen while driving, operating any kind of machinery, or if you are in any place or situation where it is not safe for you to deeply relax. Also, this self hypnosis session is not designed to treat any medical conditions, nor is it designed to replace or superede any advice or treatment provided by a healthcare professional. It is intended for relaxation and confidence-building purposes only.

Thank you for watching and listening to this guided meditation and self-hypnosis for exam success. I have written this session to help improve your motivation for studying, as well as to improve your confidence and reduce stress and anxiety when preparing for upcoming tests and exams.

Although this video has been created specifically for exam success, the content, visualisations and positive suggestions are suitable for any kind of test or performance, including sports, presentations and public speaking.

If you are experienced in hypnosis or meditation work – or if you simply would prefer a quicker immersion into trance, this audio session is also available in an abbreviated version without the introduction to hypnosis and how it works. If you would like to listen to this audio, please click/use the link below.


This self-hypnosis and guided meditation includes hypnotic suggestions and language patterns, visualisations and powerful neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques to help you improve your motivation, focus and memory recall, overcome any negative thinking and limiting beliefs, as well as reduce any anxiety you may be feeling about an upcoming exam or test.

Please note that this session is not intended as a substitute for hard work and revision. The self-hypnosis techniques work on your subconscious thinking. They cannot compensate for a lack of study and hard work.

This audio track daily is designed to be listened to before bedtime on a regular basis – as many times as you wish. Since hypnosis induces positive behavioural change, a different version of you will be listening each time and so your subconscious will enjoy a different experience on each occasion you tune in. I do hope you enjoy and benefit from this deep sleep guided mediation and self-hypnosis experience.

Thank you for listening.


For popularity, public respect, success. Meditation.

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