
'Pacific Rim: Uprising' Official Trailer #2 (2018) | John Boyega, Scott Eastwood

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Watch the second official trailer for sci-fi action film "Pacific Rim: Uprising" starring John Boyega, Scott Eastwood, Jing Tian, Cailee Spaeny, Rinko Kikuchi, Burn Gorman, Adria Arjona and Charlie Day. Directed by Steven S. DeKnight.

Release date: March 23, 2018

Plot Summary:
It has been ten years since the Battle of the Breach and the oceans are still, but restless. Vindicated by the victory at the Breach, the Jaeger program has evolved into the most powerful global defense force in human history. The PPDC now calls upon the best and brightest to rise up and become the next generation of heroes when the Kaiju threat returns.Into this is thrust ex-jaeger pilot Jake Pentecost, son of the late Stacker Pentecost, who is given a chance by his adopted sister, Mako Mori to unite with the world and fellow Jaeger pilots to prevent humanity's extinction.

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