
How to Overcome Social Anxiety

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Episode #40 | How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Show Transcription: https://venuswarriors.com/2019/07/29/how-to-overcome-social-anxiety/

In today’s podcast, I delved more into confidence and overcoming social anxiety. A lot of people feel shy and uncomfortable being in a crowd of unfamiliar faces. It’s not like everybody make friends instantly. Some do though, and it’s a gift to be able to feel like yourself in front of everybody. That’s the power of confidence and with it, we can transform anxiety to agreeable situations.

Overcoming social anxiety takes practice. You have to expose yourself over and over again to circumstances that will allow you to build self-assurance and courage to be yourself in a sea of people. It’s not easy at first but it does get better. First, you have to accept an invite. You have to go out there. And when you’re out there, observe. Try to look at how people engage in conversations. You’ll learn a lot by observing. When a chance arrives, you have to grab it. Make small talks, respond to questions at your own pace.

People can surprise you if you just let them. Overcoming social anxiety will actually get you to see people in a better light and you could get to enjoy their company if you let it.

I’m working on a book right now and it’s all about that connection within the community, that what you’re going through, you’re not going through alone. You can check more of it here, Iamenoughbs.com


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About the Venus Warriors: Hi, my name is Liz De Lima. I’m part of a group of empowered women you probably never heard of.

We have been through hell and back from being independent women, to becoming spouses, bearing children all while holding a career and balancing a household. We do not have the luxury of time but never bitch and moan and manage to accomplish a whole hell of a lot more than most.

We are bringing back the fire and desire that we have buried within. To take our identities back and declare who we were meant to be.

We do not believe in sacrificing our callings, to be the best mothers to our children. For those that don’t know their calling, they will discover it along this journey.

We believe we triumph in any field while being the adored super mom. We are beautiful and have the strength of a warrior.

We are Venus Warriors, and these are our stories!
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