
What to Do When You Feel Like You're Not Enough for Him

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The sinking feeling that overwhelms you when you feel like you’re not good enough for someone can be sickening. But no matter the reason for feeling this way, there are things you can do to overcome it.

1. Pay attention to the way you feel in particular situations.

During this process it’s also important to narrow down your emotions. Meaning instead of just being “sad” decide the type of sad you are - for instance, is it hurt, anger, guilt, or disappointment that you’re feeling. Do the same with your positive feelings too. You’re not just happy, you can be grateful, excited, energetic, and so on. Being able to specifically break down your emotions will help when it comes to overcoming and understanding the reasons you feel the way you do.

2. Choose your thoughts wisely.

Often times you don’t feel good enough because of the thoughts that you’ve created and given energy and time to. If a thought comes up that makes you feel less than amazing you can either choose to ignore it or accept it as truth. What you’ll need to do now is to learn how to brush off these negative thoughts, and instead practice self-love. After all, most people believe what they think, so come up with a new outlook for yourself.

What’s awesome is that this is actually much easier than it sounds. Anytime your inner bitch some knocking find ways to kick her out of your head and instead take on the belief that you are amazing and any guy would be happy to have you.

3. Don’t surround yourself with people who bring you down.

There’s a massive difference between having unrealistic expectations and overreacting, and settling or putting up with inappropriate behaviours. No person, man or woman, has the right to make you feel unworthy. If you’re letting the words or actions of others get the best of you then you are going to find yourself feeling blue, more often that you should.

Simply put, don’t waste your time with people who bring you down. The reason they do so is because they’re secretly insecure, and taking you down a notch makes them feel better. Or, giving those people the benefit of the doubt, maybe they don’t realize how negatively their actions or words are impacting you. Either way though, only you have the power to make yourself feel what you do. Sure, outside factors can play a part, but at the end of the day you’re responsible for your own happiness. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
4. Don’t compare yourself to others.

One of the most common causes of not feeling good enough is comparing yourself to others. If there’s one thing that not enough people acknowledge though, it’s that most times others will only show or tell you what they want you to see and hear. This means that what you think could be someone’s “perfect life” is really only a small glimpse or fragment of their real life.

It makes sense too. Most people like talking about or posting on social media the highs in their life - be it updates from a trip, news about a promotion, or photos where they look their best. Just because you see these things it doesn’t mean you’re seeing the whole picture, or that you should be comparing yourself or life to theirs.

6. Live in the moment.

If you’re caught up in thinking about the past, or worrying about what could happen in the future, then you’re going to miss out on the present. What’s worse about this situation is that the present is the only time you have immediate control over, so don’t let that opportunity go to waste.

It’s so easy to focus your energy on something that’s already happened, but again, when you waste valuable time stressing or sulking about something that’s already been said or done, you’re not doing yourself any favours. If you find yourself doing this, then keep this in mind: the past is in the past, it cannot be undone or changed so leave it be and move on. As for the future, what you do today will impact it greatly, so choose your actions, words and thoughts wisely. A helpful way to keep a positive outlook on life and the future is by learning to appreciate the little things you have in your life today, and by moving forward with that same grateful, positive attitude.
7. Love yourself.

At the heart of making these inner personal changes is self-compassion. Since you’re probably used to being self-doubting, critical, or downright nasty to yourself, start treating yourself as you would a loved one who came to you for support, or someone else in need. When you can give yourself the same love and supportive-talk that you would give to others, you’ll notice a change in your attitude and feelings.
So ladies, now that you have the tips you need to feel worthy and loved go put them to use and I’ll see you again next time. Good luck!

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