
Shaolin Kempo Karate ➡️ [INSIDE]⬅️ Combination 8 - GM Jim Brassard Shaolin Kempo Combination 8 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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http://www.shaolinamericankempo.com/shaolin-kempo-combinations-jim-brassard ⬅️⬅️Shaolin Kempo Karate [INSIDE] Combination 8 - GM Jim Brassard Shaolin Kempo Combination 8

..👉What Everyone Ought To Know About the Kempo Combinations
Shaolin Kempo Karate Combinations Secrets Revealed
There are HIDDEN SECRETS that lie INSIDE your Kempo Combinations/DM's that you haven't been shown...until now!!!

Your instructor does NOT want you to read this
INSIDE Shaolin Kempo Karate Combinations/DM
You're about to learn things you've never been shown before... I Guarantee it!!!!

What combos is the system of Shaolin Kempo based off of???
This would be known as "The Master Keys" and if you have NOT been taught this, you're in for a real treat as you continue on this page.

NOTE: There are more most don't know about

How many are there, and WHY???
Most know how many, but few no why??

Which ones are considered the best ones in a street fight???
Some translate easy into combat, some don't and why is that???

Which combos are the counter for others??
YES!!! Some Combos can be used to defeat other ones

Which ones can NEVER work in a fight???
If you are reading this, then you KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!
Learn the Secrets to the Combinations so they WORK!!

"Be careful what you practice, you may get really good at the wrong thing" - T. Blauer
Dear Martial Arts Friends,

Since the success of my Kempo Karate Combinations series I have had a boatload of questions about them and why they DON'T WORK in many cases.

I also have been alarmed of how little (even high ranking black belts) they know about the information embedded in them, and what they are trying to teach you.

I guess I can't blame them, I remember learning these back in the mid 70's and thinking....they're just going to stand there and let me hit them, AND not fight back, or at least block???

Or, nobody steps in with a punch like that.

Or, why can't I do these when I'm sparring???

I discovered the problem was not the teachings, BUT the teacher.

Ya see, the school changed hands and a NEW Sensei took over. One who was of the lineage of an old school inquisitive Master.

He showed the REAL teachings DISGUISED behind the movements, as well as the secrets in the numbers.

Not to mention the proper attack they're meant for.

I'm always reminded of this Master when I think of what Gene Hackman says as Lex Luthor in Superman 1978....

"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."

That is a GREAT description of the different intructors that I've had.

One teacher showed me 10 techniques....while another showed me 10 things in ONE technique.

If they can't TEACH you anything, they'll SHOW you everything.

The info is there, all you need is the right guide, like I did.

So by requests I’ve decided to start a series of videos that will explore and reveal the knowledge that are encoded within them.

And when you are aware of these principles it will breathe life into ALL your skills, and your teachings.

WARNING: You are going to have to scrap a lot of what you were taught.

At least thats what I and all of the masters I worked with did after learning this information.

These lessons are not just what to do to win a life or death confrontation, BUT what NOT to do as well will be touched upon.

INSIDE Shaolin Kempo Karate Combinations
Testimonies on INSIDE Shaolin Kempo Karate Combinations/DM
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