
Seeing who's the best pedestrian Lucio | Overwatch 2

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Everything is streamed live @ https://www.twitch.tv/flats before being uploaded to YouTube.

The Overwatch 2 (OW2) grind is real and isn't stopping anytime soon

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#overwatch2 #overwatch #Flats #shorts

Flats gets the worlds first 5k on Ramattra?!?!

Ramattra is the MOST FUN Tank HANDS DOWN in Overwatch 2!!!

Bronze Overwatch 2 is a spectacle of stupidity

Ramattra is STILL STRONG in Overwatch 2


Was I WRONG about Ramattra in Overwatch 2?

Ramattra is going to get NERFED in Season 3 of Overwatch 2

Ramattra is not as Overpowered as we thought

I ran into an interesting duo in Overwatch 2 🦶

Ramattra is really buggy in Overwatch 2

The last day you can abuse Ramattra's Broken Ult in Overwatch 2

These Overwatch 2 patch notes are soooo bad!!

You NEED to run from Ramattra in Overwatch 2

When it takes 10k healing + both Supports pumping to stay alive as Tank in Overwatch 2

Ramattra's hands are rated E for EVERYONE in Overwatch 2

Emongg's hot prediction for Tanks in Overwatch 2

This Bronze Battle Mercy needs to be STOPPED!!!

This is exactly how Overwatch 2 Matchmaking works

There's no way this dude didn't realize something was wrong | Overwatch 2

TimTheTatman learns about Ramattra's ult the hard way | Overwatch 2

How Flats would buff Junker Queen in Overwatch 2

Is this what everyone thinks I sound like? 😭 | Overwatch 2

Why I DON'T miss 2CP in Overwatch 2

There's NO ESCAPE from Ramattra in Overwatch 2

Flats tries the *New* Buffed Doomfist in Overwatch 2

Why Overwatch 2's balance is REALLY bad right now

Cheater in GM gets caught in 4K by me | Overwatch 2

Disclaimer: Rein is still not back (send help) | Overwatch 2

Testing the new Hog and Sojourn nerfs | Overwatch 2

Step 1: Don't waste your strongest ability | Overwatch 2

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