
Bodybuilding Q&A Pt.4 (TUT, bulk/cut cycles, freeweights vs machines, masturbation, bicep peak)

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Q&A Part 1:

Q&A Part 2:

Q&A Part 3:


Video Summary:

Bodybuilding And Fat Loss Q&A With Sean Nalewanyj - Part 4

Question #1: Is time under tension important for muscle growth?

I wouldn't suggest worrying about TUT as it basically just tells us what we already know: very short sets in low rep ranges are best for strength, long sets in high rep ranges are best for endurance, and moderate length sets that land in the middle are best for hypertrophy.

Beyond that, time under tension is not worth obsessing over as no one knows for sure what the "optimal" time frames are for each goal anyway. Just train within a standard 5-12 rep range per set and focus on overall intensity and progressive overload.

Question #2: How long should a bulking and cutting cycle last?

There are no set time frames for either goal as it completely depends on the individual and their unique situation.

A bulking phase can last until one has either gained an amount of mass that they're satisfied with or until their body fat % has gotten too high, and a cutting phase can last until the desired level of leanness has been reached or until the trainee wants to switch gears and put on more muscle.

Depending on the person, bulking and cutting phase lengths will vary all over the map and it's best to just take it week by week and adjust based on your results.

Question #3: Freeweights vs. machines. vs. cables: which is best for building muscle?

Each tool should simply be viewed as one item in your overall training toolbox, and one is not inherently "better" than the other.

Free weights will likely form the underlying foundation of your plan, and cable and machine movements will then be added in for certain lifts where they're needed.

Cables work well for circular movements like flys, curls, side laterals and tricep extensions since they provide a more consistent resistance curve than free weights do on these motions, while machines are useful for exercises that are more difficult to effectively duplicate with free weights, like leg presses, calf raises, face pulls and leg curls.

They're all effective, and your training routine will contain a mix of all three.

Question #4: Does masturbation negatively affect muscle growth?

In terms of its direct effects on testosterone, no, masturbation is not going to measurably affect your muscle or strength gains in any noticeable way. Sex and masturbation do cause a temporary drop in testosterone levels immediately following, but that drop is compensated for later on by an increase which causes the overall levels to balance out in the big picture.

However, if masturbating less frequently does provide mental benefits for you in the form of improved focus/energy/motivation, then that may have some practical carry over to your bodybuilding plan .

Question #5: What is the best way to build a bigger bicep peak?

Just focus on building up overall bicep size as a whole, since your individual bicep peak will mostly be determined by genetics.

Those with a shorter bicep tie-in (where the muscle inserts further away from the elbow) will naturally have a taller bicep peak, while those with a longer bicep tie-in (muscle inserts closer to elbow) will have flatter biceps.

Trying to specifically isolate the long head of the biceps to build a bigger bicep peak is basically just a waste of effort, so again, just focus on adding overall arm size.
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