
Seven Things You Gave Up Because You are Spiritually Awake | Spiritual Awakening | Spirituality

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Seven Things You Gave Up Because You are Spiritually Awake | Spiritual Awakening | Spirituality

It is difficult to define spirituality, but it's even more difficult to define a spiritual awakening. Spirituality is distinct from being religious, which limits oneself to a single religion and devotes one's life to it. Spirituality is more like your inner self – how you disconnect yourself from 'worldly' things and no longer place your "I" ego above all else. It is more about being awakened to life and realizing that there is more to your existence than meets the eye. NPD

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0:00 - Opening
2:43 - Ego
3:10 - Selfishness
3:37 - Negative Consciousness
4:08 - insincerity
4:38 - Attachment to Worldly Objects
5:12 - Comfort Zone
5:39 - Old Routines
6:05 - Ending


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