
Chinese History | Battle of JingXing: The battle made Han Xin the God of War 井陘之戰:兵仙韓信的戰爭藝術

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Han Xin, AKA the God of War. One of the most famous military strategist in the entire Chinese history. Battle of JingXing is one of his amazing battles. This is battle is also the origin of a Chinese idiom "Bei Shui Yi Zhan" (to fight with one's back against the river, meaning last stand)

The video narrationis in English and the video subtitles are in English and Traditional Chinese. In addition, I will add auto-translated closed captions in other languages. If you are not an English or Chinese speaker, please turn on closed captions when watching the videos and select the language that works for you



#Chinese history #Qin Shi Huang #Qin empire #first emperor of china #Warring States Period #Qin dynasty #Terracotta Warriors #The Great Wall of China #qin shi huangdi #ying zheng #Shang Yang # reform #Duke Xiao of Qin #wang jian #wang ben #Xiang Yu #Zhang han #Battle of Jing Xing #HistoricallyAccurate #Han Xin 哈歷史 #嬴政 #歷史 #中國歷史 #秦始皇 #秦帝國 #秦國統一六國 #長城 #兵馬俑 #秦陵 #商鞅变法 #井陉之战 #井陘之戰 #項羽 #项羽 # 韩信 # 韓信 #秦王扫六合 #秦帝國的覆滅 #battleanimated #historyanimated #ancientbattlesanimated

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