
"We are comfortable with 526." - Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Hicks

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Ranking Member Waxman: "The bill that's before us would repeal Section 526. From the Navy's perspective, from your perspective, would repealing Section 526 send the right signal to industry and the Armed Services?"

Mr. Thomas Hicks, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy: "We are comfortable with 526. It is an effective policy tool. It is having an effect on the market that I think is one that is the right direction in the sense that it is providing not only clean fuels, but fuels that ultimately will be competitive and I think that's what we are looking for."

The Subcommittee on Energy and Power held the ninth day of its hearing on "The American Energy Initiative" on Friday, June 3, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.

Phil Sharp, Henry Waxman - Lessons from the Clean Air Act

Ranking Member Waxman Touts Renewables and Gas Replacing Coal

Rep. Waxman Talks Natural Gas and Renewables

One-Minute Speech by Rep. Henry Waxman, Safe Climate Caucus (March 15, 2013)

Benefits of and Challenges to Energy Access in the 21st Century: Fuel Supply and Infrastructure

Rep. Waxman Wonders Why Clean Technology is Underutilized

Floor Speech by Rep. Henry A. Waxman on the National Climate Assessment (May 6, 2014)

Joint Hearing on Discussion Drafts of the "No More Solyndras Act" and the "Smart Energy Act."

Henry Waxman on Healthcare, Climate Change and Private Conctractors Democracy Now 8/4/09 3 of 5

Hearing on "The American Energy Initiative - Day 2"

A Competitive Edge for American Manufacturing: Abundant American Energy

Hearing on "Energy Access in the 21st Century: Fuel Supply and Infrastructure"

Hearing on "The American Energy Initiative, Day 6"

Rep. Waxman and Sen. Whitehouse Form Bicameral Climate Change Task Force

The EPCA: Are We Positioning America for Success in an Era of Energy Abundance?

Hearing on “The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975”

Climate Change Legislation, Panel 3 & 4

Hearing on "The American Energy Initiative - Day 9"

Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change Event (April 10, 2014)

Hearing on "The Department of Energy's Role in Managing Civilian Radioactive Waste"

Energy: Calculating the Cost

Jan. 15, 2009 - A Hearing on "The U.S. Climate Action Partnership" (Part II)

Hearing on "U.S. Energy Abundance: Manufacturing Competitiveness and America's Energy Advantage"

Hearing on "U.S. Energy Abundance: Regulatory, Market, and Legal Barriers to Export"

Hearing on "Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts"

Apr. 28, 2010 - A Hearing on Clean Energy Policies That Reduce Our Oil Dependence (Part I)

Day Two: A Legislative Hearing on H.R. 3548, the North American Energy Access Act

House Energy and Power Looks at Energy Diversity (5 Min Summary)

May 18, 2009 - Full Committee Markup on American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Day 1

Hearing on "The NRC FY 2015 Budget and Policy Issues"

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