
Why are people with ADHD so Emotionally Sensitive?

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On the one hand, ADHD is commonly negatively linked with heightened intensity of emotion (also called emotional dysregulation), rejection-sensitive dysphoria, being overwhelmed, low frustration and stress tolerance, anger outbursts and irrational reactionary responses. It is often ignored that we can also feel these intense emotions on the opposite spectrum meaning, we can also be immensely happy. This video explains exactly what hypersensivitiy is, where it comes from and how to work with it.

In order to work with your hypersensitivity, I would recommend the following 3 things:
1. Educate yourself on the matter
2. Practice Mindfulness
3. Find a Positive Peer Group

Why? Check out my explanations within the video to find this out.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that I am not a licensced therapist/psychologist and that I derive all of my recommendations from my own experiences with ADHD. If you have ADHD please always consult with a therapist first.

Need 1 on 1 advice? Follow and DM me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adhdbyadhd/

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