
Awaken The Third Eye (fluoride eroding version/decalcify)

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Fluoride, which is contained in most toothpastes and water sources, builds up deposits on your pineal gland (Third Eye) just like the calcium deposits you see on your bathroom and kitchen sinks. Except you can't "clean" it every day, so the buildup grows thicker and thicker. It creates a hard, almost cement like substance the is detrimental to the functions of your pineal gland. Fluoride is a natural occurrence in ground water, some places more so than others. Then on top of what is already in your water, most, if not all, communities add even more fluoride to the water. The difference in this video from my other Third Eye videos is that, along with the frequencies that stimulate and activate your Third Eye, this one also has a layer of sound frequencies that vibrate the deposits faster and more effectively, thus breaking them down, eroding them, much quicker. It works almost like a mini jackhammer using the high frequency sound waves to "pound" the deposits and erode them, bringing your pineal gland back to its original healthy state. This is something that needs to be done on a regular, consistent basis. As I said, this version has the additional layer of high frequency sound waves, but it also still contains the layers from my other Awaken Your Third Eye videos to help with the overall health of the pineal gland by stimulating it almost like a massage.

The pineal gland allows us to see deeper into everything and gives us a deeper understanding of what we are seeing. The pineal gland is "the Third Eye." It is a conduit to "the source," or "the universe." The ancient being that you are is accessible only through this portal. We lose connection to this ancient self, that is us, as we grow into young children and start mimicking what we see and hear, and over time, the years of our youth and sometimes beyond, we close that eye that allows us to look deep inward, and without even noticing, we begin to only see outwards.

Then to make matters even worse, the fluoride covers it, "calcifies" it with the hard crust, thus rendering it even more inactive. But, there are those of us who seek to see clearly, and develop a higher understanding for the self and the world. Re-opening the Third Eye, and allowing once again the magic and curiosity that once was part of our lives and is vital to us all to return to our daily lives.

The "third eye," or pineal gland, is located at the center of our mind, and can be activated by certain frequencies, and that is the foundation of this music/soundscape; that particular frequency. I have studied the effects of different frequencies on our bodies and minds for over thirty years and have found that sound waves of certain frequencies can alter the frequency patterns in our brains. Patterns caused mostly by external stimuli, can shift into "not so healthy" frequencies and cause depression, lethargy, etc.. Opening/stimulating the "third eye" can allow us to see much deeper into the world around us, and give us far more understanding of it. It can enhance empathy, compassion and understanding. With no one else around, relax, dim the lights, and listen to and watch this video (preferably with headphones). Watch it more than once, watch it daily over a period of a week and you will start to see different patterns in the visuals. The patterns are along the same lines as "The Rorschach test" (inkblot test) which is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed. You can understand a lot about an individual, or yourself, based on the perception you have of the inkblot imagery. Same with the imagery in this video; what do you see, what images dominate, stand out? This can give you an understanding of your perception of the world you live in. Perception creates attitude, attitude becomes character. Who you are is based firmly in how you perceive the world around you. By opening/stimulating the third eye, you can look deeper into yourself and your world.

(excerpt from Wiki) The third eye (the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. In Theosophy it is related to the pineal gland. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.
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