
Intense GoPro Footage from Terny Defense | Military Mind

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In this heart-pounding clip, you'll witness the relentless onslaught that Ukrainian defenders are facing as they hold their ground against the odds. It's a display of courage and resilience that'll leave you in awe.

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Footage of Russian treatment of POWs | Military Mind

Targets in Russia fired at with Western weapons | Ukraine This Week

New Russian tactics turn into a disaster | Military Mind

Biden allows Ukraine to use U.S.-made weapons to strike targets inside Russia. What now?

Clearing houses of enemy occupiers | Military Mind

Putin's Ceasefire Strategy | Eastern Express

Green light to strike targets inside Russia | Break the Fake

New 'Wild Hornet' Drones! | Military Mind

Possible green light for limited use of NATO weapons against targets in Russia | Ben Hodges

‘Five bullets from the Russians and another five from corruption’ | Break the Fake

Polish Minister’s Comments Spark Wild Fantasy | Break the Fake

Festival of hatred on Russian television | Break the Fake

Gen. Rejmund Andrzejczak: “Ukraine, enough to fight but not to win” | Ukraine This Week

Generals Arrested Amid Corruption | Eastern Express

U.S., U.K., NATO Chief, and Poland's Sikorski in the Crosshairs! | Break the Fake

Ukraine’s NATO ambitions | Eastern Express | TVP World

Green Light on Striking Russia | Eastern Express

Possible use of Western-made weapons against Russian soil | Mark Toth & Bartłomiej Kot

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"There is no glory without a fight" | Military Mind | TVP World

Miedviediev - a born loser | Break the Fake | TVP World

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Will the new commander save Russia? | Eastern Express | TVP World

Russian propaganda is a new main "weapon" – TVP World

Medvedev wants war with the West | Break the Fake | TVP World

Russia is replacing troop losses in Ukraine | Eastern Express – TVP World

Missiles fall into Russian trenches | Military Mind | TVP World

Life on the frontline in Mykolayiv region, Ukraine: TVP World’s report | TVP World

What kind of Europe do we want? | Piotr Kaczyński

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