
These potatoes chicken will disappear from the table in 1 minute ❗ Most tender and easy recipe! #26

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These potatoes chicken will disappear from the table in 1 minute! Most tender and easy recipe that everyone love!

Hi my friends, you can try to cook the chicken this way using oven, the result is amazing and delicious! It is a simple chicken recipes which everyone can make with just few ingredients. Once you cook this for friends and family, you will be asked for this recipe over and over again. Everyone will love this tender recipe!
Just wonder why I have never cooked like this before! It is really incredibly delicious potato chicken recipe!
If you have potato and chicken in the fridge, then you should definitely make this easy recipes!
Prepare this chicken recipe for lunch or dinner and let me know do you like this recipe or not!

Recipe and ingredients:
0:00 – Intro
0:18 – Chicken
0:24 – Olive oil
0:32 – salt
0:34 – Black pepper
0:37 – Garlic powder
0:44 – Paprika
0:50 – Dried basil
1:13 – Marinate for 1 hour
1:17 – Potato
2:02 – Carrot
2:18 – Olive oil
2:22 – Dried rosemary
2:27 – Salt
2:29 – Pepper
2:49 – Put the marinated chicken into the pan
3:10 – Yellow onion
3:34 – Garlic
3:41 – Tomato
4:09 – Garlic powder
4:12 – Olive oil
4:17 – Dried parsley
4:30 - Oven 210°C for 60 minutes
4:39 – Done
5:21 – Cut and eat

I like to cook at home, and eat delicious food which is easy to make. I will cook over and over again and wish to have delicious day every day. I like to see when there is nothing stay on table after I cook. If you want me to try any recipes, please comment and let me know, may be I will choose the best one to try! I also like to cooking chicken in oven as it is easy method, just put every ingredients into the pan, and wait! Let me know in the comment also, which chicken recipe is famous in your country!

Do you like this simple and easy recipe?
I hope you enjoy this recipe and you can share it to anyone you love!

Friends, on this channel, I show you delicious and easy recipe and how to cook at home that everyone will love! Some are most tender recipe with amazing results!

❣️ Consider subscribe for cooking delicious food for your love one!

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