
A Florida surgeon removes the liver instead of the spleen!?! #doctorreacts #healthcare

Alabama man dies after Northwest Florida doctor removes his liver instead of spleen

Family looks for justice after doctor removes liver instead of spleen

Dr. Shaknovsky Removes The Liver Of Patient Mistaking It For The Spleen, Causing Immediate Death.

Surgeon at Florida hospital accused of removing wrong organ from man

Family says loved one died after doctor removed wrong organ at Florida hospital

Man dies after wrong organ allegedly removed during surgery at Northwest Florida hospital

Man Dies After Surgeon Allegedly Took His Liver by Accident

Florida surgeon fatally removes wrong organ from patient

Florida surgeon accused of removing wrong organ from man

Florida Surgeon Sued After Mistakenly Removing Patient’s Liver

Update: Dr. Shaknovsky Removes The Liver Of Patient Mistaking It For The Spleen.

Surgeon Mistakes Liver For Spleen During Removal, Patient Dies

Florida surgeon Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky removes patient’s liver instead of the spleen

Alabama man dies when Florida surgeon allegedly removes wrong organ

Florida Doctor Fatally Removes Wrong Organ From Patient

Wife whose husband died on hospital operating table suing surgeon for allegedly removing wrong organ

Suit Alleges Man Died After Surgeon Removed Wrong Organ

Woman Sues Walton County Hospital After Husband's Death: Surgeon Removes Liver Instead of Spleen

Laparoscopic surgery - Splenectomy at Max Hospital

Alabama Man Dies After Florida Surgeon Mistakenly Removes Liver Instead of Spleen

Man dies after wrong organ allegedly removed during surgery at Florida hospital

Alabama man dies when surgeon removed wrong organ, family says

Documents show Northwest Florida doctor had a previous wrong-site surgery

What causes a spleen to enlarge? Can you a shrink an enlarged spleen? - Dr. Lorance Peter

Doctor Mistakes Liver for Spleen - Removes Liver - Patient Dies: How Did It Happen? #malpractice

Muscle Shoals man dies after doctor in Florida removes wrong organ

In The News - Florida patient dies after his liver was accidentally removed instead of his spleen 

Alabama man dies after doctor allegedly removed wrong organ during surgery

Muscle Shoals man dies after doctor removes wrong organ, widow says

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