
Republicans Introduce Legislation To Slash Social Security And Medicare

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After spending months swearing that they never wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare, Republicans in the House introduced legislation this week that would...cut Social Security and Medicare. This is a political Party filled with liars and whiners, and they are going to do everything that they can in order to screw over working class people. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

Link - https://www.commondreams.org/news/gop-budget-destroy-social-security

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Well folks, the 175 member Republican Study Committee came out with their proposed budget this week. That is possibly one of the worst things the Republicans in Washington DC have ever come up with. The Republicans this year have spent months, months screaming at the top of their lungs that they do not want to cut social security. They do not wanna cut Medicare. They're not doing all these horrible things that President Biden and the Democrats say they're doing. Those people they say are liars. A Marjorie Taylor Greene stood up during Biden's State of the Union and called him a liar when he said Republicans want to cut Social security in Medicare. So it should come as a surprise to no one that this Republican study commission's. First item up for cuts is of course, social security followed secondly by Medicare. What Republicans would do with this budget proposal is increase the retirement age for social security, raising it from 67 to 69 years old because they say, Hey, people are living longer, so we may as well raise the retirement age so we can squeeze a couple more years of work out of them.

The only problem with that is that for the first time in a hundred years, uh, life expectancy here in the United States has actually declined. And for the record, life expectancy for someone born today in the United States is actually 10 years lower than somebody born. Right now in Japan, we're about five or six years under the life expectancy for England. Life expectancy in the United States is not increasing as Republicans tell us. So if they go through with their dastardly plan here to raise the retirement age of social security, you're probably looking at maybe four and a half years, five and a half for women, four and a half for men. Because there is a one year discrepancy in life expectancy between the two genders. Um, you are gonna only have a couple years to enjoy your retirement. And of course, the Republicans know that they have these actuarial tables.

They know that life expectancy is not increasing in the United States, but they also know that corporations want workers. So your retirement can be damned. They don't care. That's also why as part of their provisions here, they have a plan to privatize parts of Medicare, which would of course increase costs for those on Medicare, but it would save the government a couple of dollars here and there. So what's the big deal? Right? That's not the only thing it does. In addition to screwing over elderly retirees, Republicans also wanna make the tax cuts from 2017 permanent. So a big handout to the wealthy elite corporations get their fair share, of course of that tax cut, even Republicans and some Democrats in Congress

Will be the beneficiaries of those tax cuts. But if you're an elderly low income retiree, you're screwed because Republicans want you to be screwed. The cruelty is the point, and that's not even the only cruel thing that this piece of legislation does. It also increases work requirements, of course, for every single person in this country on a federal, uh, subsidy program. You know, there there's no work requirements of course for the wealthy elite, right? You get your tax cuts no matter what, but you don't have to work. But if you wanna get food stamp benefits, that average, what? $6 a day on the high end? Yeah. You have to show that you're actually out there busting your to get your $6. It would also repeal the part of the Inflation Reduction Act that allows the federal government to negotiate drug prices for people on Medicare.

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