
鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 前程錦繡 (粵) Bright Future (Cantonese) at 1978 Lee Theater

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前程錦繡 Bright Future 香港利舞台 1978年9月22日
作詞:盧國沾 作曲:小椋佳
You could also find this song in HKships4TeresaTeng2 Teresa Teng Cantonese Song Collection 本頻道的鄧麗君廣東話歌曲集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjDc9r7oZzO6X5oB8Bhiwzf6Bd33vMEiu

The background is my recent tour in Italy from Sorrento to Venice. In Rome, Tiziano Vian, a Teresa Teng fan came to visit me from Tivoli. This video is dedicated to him, for his love and support of Teresa Teng, and for his kindred spirit and friendship.

為了幫助人們和鄧麗君一起唱這首歌而不是用這首歌學習說粵語,所以我省略了六個粵拼聲調標記。 因為大多數非粵語人士不知道這些聲調是什麼意思,除非他們上了粵語入門課程。我上傳的所有鄧麗君粵語歌曲都省略了這些音標。
In order to help people sing this song with Teresa Teng instead of learning to speak Cantonese with this song, I have omitted the six Cantonese tones markers. Most non-Cantonese speakers don’t know what these tones mean unless they take an introductory Cantonese course. I have omitted these phonetic symbols for all the Cantonese songs of Teresa Teng uploaded in this channel.
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