
HOW TO DEAL WITH DEPRESSION. #depression #empowerment #emotional stress

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HOW TO DEAL WITH DEPRESSION. A Master of the Martial Arts shares his own 5 most powerful tools for fighting and overcoming depression on the way to living a life of better mental health, during and after Covid 19.

Depression and anxiety come in many forms and for many reasons and Covid 19 did not help one bit everybody's mental health.
You are not alone!

You will be surprised and even amazed how many very successful people of all walks of life have had to deal in the past with periods of depression and how many of them still do so until today.

My name is Eddie Lindenbaum from EddieForLife and amongst other things I am a Master Instructor in Israel Martial Arts, holding the rank of 6th degree black belt.

I know a thing or two about depression.

In this video I will be sharing with you my own personal 5 most powerful tools that I use in order to fight and deal with depression so that you yourself can overcome it and lead a better life, a life of better mental health, inner strength and power, happiness and fulfillment.

My mission is to Inspire and Empower you to do whatever it takes to reach your fullest potential and maximize your success in life by overcoming anything that might be holding you back from your highest level.

0:00 Intro
01:15 First Tool - Acknowledgement
01:54 Second Tool - Asking For Help and Support
3:04 Third Tool - Physical Activity
4:35 Fourth Tool - Rolling Out Of The Fall, Rolling With The Punch
6:58 Fifth Tool - Mental Fortitude and Strength (2 tips)

Are you fighting depression or have you fought depression in the past?
Let me know in the comments your own tools that you have used as well as what else I can give you in coming videos so that you can improve your life.

Do you have a friend or a loved one that is battling depression and anxiety?
Consider sharing with them this video.

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