
Client Success Manager Role Change - Ad Agency Vlog

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Client Success Manager Role Change - Ad Agency Vlog

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How are you? We had a conversation yesterday. One of the planning for growth is discussion.

Topics we had was about a can't miss account manager heavy model vs. multiple team member model as far as communication with clients goes. And the conclusion that we came to really was that in order to really grow, we have to have the account manager talking to the clients and in charge of the success. Really an account success manager would be a better title for them as a team member.

That person would be in direct communication with the lead media buyer that goes on working on the account. The account manager would be the direct point of contact for the client on any vocal communication video, in-person communication and the lead buyer on the account would be the direct point of communication for anything having to do with slack communication and media updates. So as a media buyer, you're really dialed into the account and always in.

And if a question comes up, the titles are low level, very micro conversation topic. You're going to be able to answer that really, really quickly. And the account manager would then have to ask you exactly what's going on, because they're probably talking to people more than they are working on accounts. There's a little bit different. We're hoping it could be. I was hoping it could be just account managers communicating.

I had a meeting with two solar producers that worked together here in San Diego this morning. My actually all my business partners ended up coming and meeting these guys as well. The second that I met with them, I could tell right away I was going to hit it off with these guys and light them. So I text all my partners like, you know, you got to come meet these guys coming by and we chat for a while. Their true competitors, like he actually even audited one of our clients didn't take them, but audited, which was pretty funny. I think we actually work on an account that they used to work on now, too, which is funny as well. And we knew a bunch of the same people. I don't know. I was just really chill conversation. So going back to this theme of conversation, I keep having his videos about solar producers. These guys seem like a great fit as a hypothetical. I mean, you bring up the idea of us bringing them into the fold, but like that seems like a no brainer. Like couple of young guys, they're doing their own thing, working out of their house right now. They've got some good clients. They're not where they want to be. Just like we aren't where we want to be. Grab a couple of desks. Come in. Bring your book and let's grow this thing and sell it one day. Seems like a pretty good conversation to have. You know, if you want to write a check to these guys, like we could write a check to these guys, take out a loan, write a check to these guys, take their book, and now they're working with us. And suddenly we just got, whatever, 10 more clients, a bunch more revenue every month, a bunch more connections, right. Cause their whole network would x their whole network would extend because of us and give us a chance to just instantly become a powerhouse in San Diego with two guys that are proven good buyers that are capable of keeping accounts

One of the main things I keep talking to these solar producers about and finding out is that there's not a strong strategy for prospecting. That is not a major focus for these guys and it is a true focus of ours. We are aggressively pursuing hyper growth and we definitely are not in a position to wait for sales to come in. And that might be just some aspect of it that these guys do not want to deal with. And if they can take that off their plate and just do good work and get paid for it handsomely with potential back end stuff the company sells, that's not that kind of. That's not a bad deal. Zero stress, right? You're not worried about the company not making decisions on the company anymore. You just say come in, get benefits of ownership potentially, and then get dividends and get paid a handsome salary to do good work.

Well, we have this meeting and a guy in there who is a specialist in mergers and acquisitions and nationally, I asked him about whether we should be buying these celebrities shifts or whatever he thought was a fantastic idea. As far as a way to grow, we should do it. He said it's definitely the right move. You have really great candidates, but he all but called me an idiot for even considering doing a personal guarantee. It told me to get private equity or venture capital a hands down out of time. And he made a very good case.

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