
二泉映月(低音二胡)- 胡志平 / The Moon's Reflection on the Second Spring (Alto Erhu) - Hu Zhiping

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演出内容 / Concert Details:
日期 / Date:18 May 2023, 19:30
地点:闵惠芬音乐厅 / Venue: Min Huifen Concert Hall
主办:中国音乐家协会、河南省文化艺术界联合会、周口市人民政府、周口师范学院 / Organisers: Chinese Musicians' Association, Henan Arts and Culture Federation, Zhoukou Prefecture City Government, Zhoukou Normal University

二泉映月 / The Moon's Reflection on the Second Spring
作曲:华彦钧 / Composer: Hua Yanjun (1950 阿炳录音)

演奏家 / Performers:
低音二胡独奏:胡志平 / Alto Erhu Solo: Hu Zhiping
协奏:河南民族乐团 / Orchestral Accompaniment: Henan Chinese Orchestra
指挥:张列 / Conductor: Zhang Lie

秦腔牌子曲(中音板胡)- 沈诚 / Medley of Qinqiang Tunes (Alto Banhu) - Shen Cheng

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