
2. Auckland Council—Māori Representation

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2. Hon ANNETTE KING (Deputy Leader—Labour) to the Prime Minister: Does he agree with the reported comments attributed to Hon Tau Henare on the issue of Māori representation in Auckland that I believe the issue is too far-reaching and too important for a party presently sitting at 1 percent in the polls to decide alone.?

Hon TONY RYALL (Minister of Health) on behalf of the Prime Minister: Yes, because under MMP no party alone has ever been able to decide the position on any issue that goes through this House in legislation. Issues require consultation and negotiation.

Hon Annette King: Will there be Māori seats on the Auckland super-city council as the Māori Party demands, or no Māori seats on the Auckland super-city council as the ACT Party demands, or has the Prime Minister, as the acclaimed deal maker, found a compromise position, which is something he hinted at recently?

Hon TONY RYALL: We are currently working through the arrangements relating to the reorganisation of Greater Auckland local governance, and decisions will be made in due course.

Hon Annette King: What compromise position is possible between two warring factions of the Prime Ministers multiparty Government when his parliamentary colleague the Hon Tau Henare said there had been a distinct lack of political will. in trying to resolve the issue and the schism that has emerged among the minor parties propping up the Government?

Hon TONY RYALL: The National-led Government has a strong relationship with its support partners. We speak with them regularly on all sorts of issues. They are certainly the first cabs off the rank. But differences of opinion are not unusual. I ask the member to look at the opinions of her own party members, not only on this issue but also on her party leadership.

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