
Celebrating the life of Zen Master Shinzan on his 85th Birthday

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To celebrate Zen Master Shinzan's 85th birthday, Zen Master Daizan led an online retreat and practice session. In this video are highlights of the day, where we explored the remarkable life of Zen Master Shinzan. We hope you enjoy this footage and draw inspiration from his journey.

You can find out more about the incredible life of Shinzan Roshi in the following book, produced on his eightieth birthday, the 2nd July 2015.

Should you wish to watch the full 'Traces of the Soul' documentary featuring Zen Master Shinzan, you can do so by clicking the below link:

Do you have any questions you would like answered? Please leave your comments below.

Zenways promotes and encourages activities and practices that enhance human wellbeing, balance and awakening (satori or kensho - the enlightenment of Zen) in the many different situations we find ourselves in. Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi received dharma transmission and permission to teach in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen. He now teaches at the Yugagyo Dojo in London, UK. May these recordings help you and those around you to find and realise the truth.

Find us on Facebook - Julian Daizan Skinner and Zenways
Find us on Instagram - @juliandaizan and @zenways_zen

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