
Stoic Solutions Podcast Episode 26: Humility with Dr Regan Lance Reitsma

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I talk about the virtue of humility with Dr. Regan Lance Reitsma.

We explore competing definitions for humility; versions of humility worth wanting; potential paradoxes when considering particular conceptions of humility; pride; moral failings; moral progress; and practical applications of humility drawing upon thoughts put forth in his journal articles 'Against Humility as Informed Contempt' and 'Tolerance and Intellectual Humility: A Critique of Comte-Sponville.'

Dr. Reitsma received a Philosophy Ph.D. in 2007 from The Ohio State University and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from the departments of Philosophy and Classics from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He serves as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He specializes in Moral Psychology; Practical Rationality and Practical Normativity; tolerance; and moral rights. He also includes Philosophy of Religion; ethical theory and applied ethics; social and political philosophy; Ancient Greek Philosophy; Hume and Kant; and sports in his areas of competency.

The Stoic Philosophy Podcast explores the tradition of Stoicism with goals to inform, empower, and help others benefit from practical wisdom of Ancient Greek, Roman, and modern thinkers including Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca.

For the Stoics, a main focus is pursuing virtue to attain a well-examined life through practical applications of Philosophy – acting with good character, using reason to form accurate careful judgments about the world, and achieving contentment. Stoic writers focus on many perennial human concerns and urge people to take action applying what they learn to everyday life. Self-improvement is central to Stoic thought – strengthening and improving one's mindset.

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Dr. Regan Reitsma:

Against Humility as Informed Contempt:

Tolerance and Intellectual Humility: A Critique of Comte-Sponville:

Robert Roberts 'Humility as a Moral Project' chapter found is found in his book 'Spirituality and Human Emotion'

A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life:

Epictetus' Discourses:

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations:

Seneca's Letters to a Stoic

Stoic Philosophy – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Massimo Pigliucci's Stoicism blog:

Stoic Philosophy Facebook group:
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