
What is Maalox Plus Suspension? (Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone)

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What is Maalox Plus Suspension? (Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone) - Learn more: https://healthery.com/drug/simethicone-oral/

It's used to treat stomach acid, acid indigestion, upset stomach, and heartburn. As well as relieving belching, stomach pressure & discomfort, and bloating. Gas bubbles are broken up by Simethicone. While Aluminum and Magnesium reduces acids in the stomach.

This drug reduces existing acids and not acid production. Follow all doctor recommendations and/or follow all instructions.

Other uses: Hyperacidity, GERD, and ulcers.

What are the Side Effects? Side Effects may include: constipation, headache, diarrhea or nausea. Magnesium may cause diarrhea while the Aluminum controls it.

Aluminum may cause constipation; so be sure to drink plenty of water. This medicine may cause low Phosphate levels.

If you have the following symptoms be sure to speak with your doctor quickly: Loss of appetite, muscle weakness, extra sleepiness, dizziness or fainting. Seek immediate attention if these occur: painful urination, black stools or shallow breathing, irregular heartbeat, confusion, abdominal pain or dark vomit.

Tell your doctor of any medical issues, allergies, and alcohol or drug use. If you have diabetes, understand this drug contains sugar. The drug can pass into breast milk during pregnancy.

If someone overdoses, call 911 or your country's poison control center. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember or when you can.

It's important to note: do NOT double your dose to get back on track. Refer to your drug information regarding drug storage.

Tell your doctor about these conditions: bowel, intestinal, or stomach disease, constipation, diarrhea, kidney disease, liver disease, a sodium (salt) restricted diet, stomach bleeding or obstruction. As well as: unusual or allergic reaction to aluminum hydroxide, Simethicone.

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