
Niche Down Your Service Offering

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So it just made those bobbleheads, I'm excited to see how it does. But I got off the phone today with an agency owner also who's in startup mode two years in and they had 12 different clients and they were selling everything creative services, e-mail. They were selling content management. I mean, everything, Facebook ads, Google ads, SVO. And it's just mind-blowing for me to think about that as a strategy for our agency. Now, I've talked about expanding services, but to not be specialized and have a message that communicates to everything and not something specific and not be an established brand. To me, just doesn't seem like a very big confidence instilling message for a brand that might think about using.

You know, I'm not trying to talk badly and about this guy. I mean, clearly signing clients is something he's doing is working really well. And there's probably something I can learn from him in the strategy that they're deploying. But for me, it feels like specializing in an agency world is going to be the way to start. Have something that you hang your hat on no matter what. We're going to crush it on Facebook and Google and Snapchat and Pinterest for you. Straight, direct response ad buys. And then as you get a really great book of clients and a lot of case studies, then you can slowly expand into these other offerings. That feels to me like much more organized and is not going to blow my business up if I lose one client that's doing a lot of creative work or if I get a big client that does creative work like controls my whole business to different strategy that they're deploying. And I thought it was really interesting. Not something I think for us it's gonna be a really great fit, but certainly something to consider. And now when you're going through the process, I guess I thought I'd share. Interesting conversation. My name's Bobby.

I've been putting up videos like this on YouTube for years now, but this new channel is all about my digital marketing agency. Make sure you follow along. Subscribe. Like this video hit the bell so you never miss another post. The city was getting really upset about the fact that they were everywhere all the time.

And so they came up with instead of just rejecting them and shutting the whole process down like San Francisco did, they decided that they wanted to encourage people to continue to use them in order to do that. They made a little square on the street where you're supposed to park it. And now no one complains about the scooters anymore. Now, here, San Francisco's installing permanent racks. You're supposed to put them in. That's just a great example of adopting a unique idea that adds a lot of value because because San Diego's parking situation is terrible and these allow people to park very far away at an affordable place. And it saves employers a lot of money and solves the parking crisis problem. So it's very cool to see a city accept innovation like that. So well. If you have a quality product, it'll get you a lot of things that you don't really get otherwise. That's why it's important to focus on quality and solving a problem. Forgot to mention that yesterday I had a meeting with a center of influence. This is somebody that is a friend in the industry who could potentially influence and help me get business to play little information about that right now.

I did have to go see a contact that I've been reaching out to a company I want to work with. They're here in San Diego visiting, implementing their product in a few new stores. I saw the post on link fence. I'm heading over there to go check them out. And it's, you know, one of the funnest parts about my job is meeting people.

But in my last video, I had talked a little bit about wanting to get into podcasting and interviewing. And one of the things that I really think is going to be important for our business is webinars. And I want to use these tools that I'm buying to do live webinars that are educational and that a lot of value to the people that are following me here or on LinkedIn or Instagram, whatever it is, and interested in our agency. And we can use this equipment to share knowledge and provide value to people that might be interested in the industry. The other thing that I'm thinking is that I'd be really interested to get into speaking like public speaking as a tool to get more business. We have a lot of different companies that I've seen are speaking and they use it as a way to get leads because if you can't get at the floor or the stage at a big traffic conversions type of conference, it gets you a lot of credibility and probably gets you a lot of eyeballs that maybe you wouldn't have and get you love, clout, maybe you wouldn't have. And just instantly you get a signed quality.

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