
Did Paul Support the Law? - Let No Wolves Lead You Astray! (2/3)

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Many say Paul in an antichrist. Many say he was against the Law. Many churches cleave to Paul's writings more closely than they do the gospels or the even the Torah itself. Was Paul a good guy or a bad guy? How are we to read the writings of Paul inn the Bible? How are we supposed to interpret Scripture? Are Paul's letters Scripture? How do we know if a book in the Bible is considered scripture? Sit down and enjoy this 3 part visit with TiborasaurusRex and Dante' and learn how to read and understand the scriptures for yourself, so that no wolves will be able to lead you astray. I actually like Paul's letters, but only when they are read in their full context and left untwisted by the modern antinomian lawless Christianity becoming increasingly popular today.

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