
What is SIBO?

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In this video, we will discuss what SIBO is, how someone gets SIBO, the common signs, ​and symptoms for SIBO, how to test for it and some tips on how to remove SIBO.

SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. In the digestive process, our small intestine comes into play before the large intestine. The primary job of the small intestine is to absorb the majority of the food we eat. The large intestine has the majority of the bacteria and is important for absorbing and helping to break down fiber, helping to absorb water to form stool and helping to absorb certain minerals. These two are separated by a “door” called the ileocecal valve. When the environment changes, the pH changes, or the pressure on the valve changes, it causes that valve to open. When this happens, the bacteria from the large intestine translocates to the small intestine, where it shouldn't be. This breeds a bad microbiome, causes more bad bacteria to foster, and inhibits the migratory motor complex which is an autonomic process that helps sweep debris out into the intestines or our stool. When the pressure or digestive process begins to change and we increase the amount of bloating and gas in the digestive system, it inhibits or alters the function of that migratory motor complex so we’re not sweeping fluid out as readily. The foods we eat (FODMAPs), having low stomach acid, digestive dysfunction, poor microbiome health, decreased motor function, and long term antibiotic use all can contribute to someone getting SIBO.

Common signs and symptoms of SIBO include; bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain/cramps, joint pain, brain fog, malnutrition, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, chronic fatigue, rosacea, GERD and acid reflux. To test for SIBO you can use a scope or a biopsy. A less invasive approach that could be used is a breath test; this can be either a lactulose breath test or a glucose breath test. The glucose breath test is the preferred method. To correct SIBO, it is important to implement a FODMAP diet, practice intermittent fasting, balance your stomach pH, take some digestive enzymes, ensure bacteria is binding and being removed effectively, activate the migratory motor complex, take probiotics, and address the underlying issue.

What is SIBO?

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