
Can 1 Cheat Day Ruin Your Progress?

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Ate Too Many Calories? 1 "Cheat Day" Will Not Ruin Your Diet

Keep in mind that it takes about 3500 calories above your calorie maintenance level just to gain one single pound of fat, so one "cheat meal" or "cheat day" (or even a few days) are not going to have any serious impact in the overall scheme assuming your bulking or cutting diet is decently on point most of the time.

Building muscle and losing fat is a long term game and is about the *average* of what you do for the week, month and year as a whole... NOT what you specifically did on March 21st or September 16th to September 20th.

Short term calorie spikes are completely normal here and there, and your fitness diet is never going to be perfect. But as long as those high calorie periods stay short term and you don't allow them to spiral out of control, they aren't going to have much of an effect on the long term average and so they really aren't something to stress out about.

Remember that the goal is to be on track with your nutrition MOST of the time - not ALL of the time.⁣

Dietary "perfection" is flat out impossible, and striving for perfection will only stress you out and increase the chances that you'll quit with your fitness program in the long run.⁣

Don't use this as an excuse to go off track, but just be aware that if you went over your calorie limit during a given day or set of days, it's really not a big deal in the grand scheme.

Don’t beat yourself up over it unnecessarily - just move forward and get back on track as soon as you can.⁣

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