
Stop Being MGTOW - Be A Self Actualized Man : The Manipulated Man | Tfl, Incel, Mgtow, Pua, Mra, Law

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OG Silverback discusses Stop Being MGTOW - Be A Self Actualized Man : The Manipulated Man| OG Silverback goes way deep into why men should stop being MGTOW and become Self Actualized. What it means, and how Tfls, Incels and Mgtows allowed women to manipulate them into their sad lifestyles and everything in it. Stop manipulated and take responsibility for your life.

The book The Manipulated Man is a 1971 book by author Esther Vilar. The main idea behind the book is that women are not oppressed by men but rather control men to their advantage. A third edition of the book was released in January 2009. "The Manipulated Man", is one of the required reading for today's modern male so he is schooled in the ways of our Gynocentric Society. As there is nothing new under the sun, only repackaging by feminist and gynocentrists to fool and confuse men on masculinity and the opposite which is feminity. That is why the term "Opposites Attracts" has been around since the beginning of time. Don't let our feministic society turn you into a gender neutral bitch boy door mat, orbiter, nice - guy beta male. Continue to listen to my channel for the truth that shall set you free from the matix of Gynocentric Equal Rights Lies and propoganda.
Music - Incubus - Pardon Me (Official Music Video):
Google Search - stop being mgtow:
Below are links to items referenced in the video:
The book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1973951.The_Manipulated_Man
Website: http://www.returnofkings.com/42941/the-manipulated-man-a-holy-bible-of-red-pill-wisdom
Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcAWn2D8EsM
Pdf: www.naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Vilar,Esther/The_manipulated_man.pdf
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC5InWPjtL8&list=RDH7u5GtSIC5k&index=5
Google Search - the manipulated man:
Web article - Toxic masculinity is terrible shorthand for a real problem plaguing men:
Urban Dictionary - Toxic Masculinity:
The Lego Movie 2 - Clowning Toxic Masculinity:
Mass shootings blamed on Toxic Masculinity:
The real problem with toxic masculinity is that it assumes there is only one way of being a man :
Youtube - toxic masculinity gillette commercial:

What Backward Rationalization is, and How It Affects You with Girls:

The Compound Effect - Audiobook:

The Compound Effect - Website Article:
The Compound Effect - Book:

The Compound Effect - pdf:
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The Hook Up Handbook:

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