
Guitar Theory 5 : How to Name Any Chord on Guitar (Music Theory for Guitar)

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Want to master the fretboard and music theory? Read these books: http://www.guitartheorybooks.com

Guitar Theory (Lesson 5) : Learn how to name any chord on the guitar.

One problem learning music theory is that it often makes some sense when a more advanced guitar player or teacher is around, but then when you're on your own, it's tough to know how to figure things out.

In this lesson, I show how to use a great website called JGuitar to help you learn to do music theory on your own.

I've got great results over the years helping my students learn to figure out chord names and apply music theory to their favorite songs.

The "chord namer" on JGuitar is really easy to use. Just click on the notes you are using on the fretboard and it gives you a list of possible chord names.

If anyone has any questions let me know:)

Guitar Theory 5 : How to Name Any Chord on Guitar (Music Theory for Guitar)

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