
Age of iron: The past, present, and future of conservative foreign policy | LIVE STREAM

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Few can deny that President Donald Trump has drastically shaken up the American foreign policy establishment, on everything from how the US treats its allies to its approach toward sovereignty and global institutions. But where does Trump’s foreign policy fit into American history and, in particular, the conservative tradition?

In his new book, “Age of Iron: On Conservative Nationalism” (Oxford University Press, 2019), Colin Dueck tells the story of Republican foreign policy since the 20th century. He describes the shifting coalitions and priorities that have shaped policy and argues that conservative nationalism is actually the oldest democratic tradition in US foreign relations.

Please join AEI for a discussion with Colin Dueck and Hal Brands on how Trump fits into this history and the outlook on conservative foreign policy in the era of renewed great-power competition.

Photo Credit: Reuters

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