
Dhrupad| World Music & Yoga Day 2023 (Season-6) Day-1| Dhrupad Music Foundation| Odisha Dhrupad|

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Disclaimer: This entire program has been presented by Dhrupad Music Foundation (DMF). All the participants who performed, except for Guru ji Padma Shri Umakant Gundecha & Gundecha Bandus, are direct disciples of Guru Sri Mukund Dev Sahoo. The style of singing presented by the disciples and Sri Mukund Dev is according to the new Odisha Dhrupad tradition. The entire credit for the concept of Odisha Drupad tradition goes to Guru Mukund Dev Sahoo and the Dhrupad Music Foundation. Hence, the use of this video, audio and singing style, either in parts or in its entirety without prior permission from Mukund Dev is strictly prohibited.

World Music and Yoga Day – what is it?

Music and Yoga are similar in many ways. As there is no end (anth) to either music or yoga. The more one practices music and yoga the better human one becomes. Yoga and Music allow us to rediscover ourselves. They provide us with health, harmony, and peace. Yoga is to “unite with our divinity” with channeling our energies in the right direction. Hence, yoga and music have become a global culture, in recognition of the value yoga and music add to life. Hence, it is celebrated each year internationally, as the international yoga and international music day – as the World Music and Yoga Day in this event.


This event has been organized by Shri Mukund Dev Sahoo, a native of Odisha, and the founder of Dhrupad Music Foundation in Odisha. Shri Mukund’s mission and passion is to raise the awareness of Dhrupad Classical Music among the community in Odisha, where it is much needed; and, also across India and abroad. For which Shri Mukund offers one-on-one teaching in a Guru-Shishya tradition and online, gives personal performances, organizes events such as this one and, carries out other outreach programs and activities.


Dhrupad, an ancient form of classical music, originally sung in the temples, flourished as an “offering of sound to the Gods.” Swami Haridas whose picture you see in the backdrop banner of the stage, was a saint and a Dhrupad musician, offering his music solely to God. He lived during the revolutionary bhakti movement in India. His disciple was Tansen, who you see sitting in front of Swami Haridas. Tansen took Dhrupad to the Mughal courts (Darbars) whose kings patronized this music.
Soon Dhrupad moved from being just temple music, solely sung in praise of God, to being a court music, also sung in praise of the Mughal kings, Dhrupad music became highly refined in the process into an intricate classical musical form called the Darbari Dhrupad. Yet, the essence of the “purity of sound” in Dhrupad music was maintained.
But, with the disappearance of Mughal kings and other princely states in India, and as the need for music as a form of entertainment grew, Dhrupad music started to decline; and Khayal music form with its theme of of lightness & entertainment, took precedence on the stage of music during that time.
Through all the ups & downs of Dhrupad music - patronized vs un-patronized and trend of bhakti vs entertainment, Dhrupad music survived as Dagarvani Dhrupad and was kept alive to its pristine purity of sound, solely through the Dagar (Parampara) lineage, as the torch bearers for several generations until recent times. It was then revived and further propagated by Dagars & few disciples of Dagar lineage, stalwarts of Dhrupad music, as the Shri Gundecha Brothers.


Mukund Dev Sahoo, the only native exponent of Dhrupad classical music in Odisha, as a teacher and performer of Dhrupad, is voicing this concern through his intense outreach activities to bring awareness to Dhrupad music in Odisha.
Shri Mukund Dev Sahoo received his formal ten years of intense in-depth training in traditional Dhrupad Music in a gurukul setting with world renowned Dhrupad Maestros Padma Shri Gundecha Brothers. Subsequently, in his two hundred (200) days of intense personal “Dhrupad Naad Yoga Sadhana” in solitude and silence, Shri Mukund received instructions to practice and teach the art form that can reach to a larger audience. These instructions received in his sadhana in solitude ensued the new “Odisha Dhrupad” form, revitalizing the dhrupad of the ancient times of Swami Haridas, as during the Bhakti movement, adhering to the practice of Dhrupad with “Naad Yoga” principles.
Shri Mukund disseminates this “Odisha Dhrupad” form through his teachings and performances, with an immense interest and passion for Dhrupad to reach to wider circle of audience through Bhakti, giving scope for many to eventually walk the path of “Naad Yoga” to experience Oneness in union with pure sound, the Nada!

Hari OM Ananta Narayana Tarana Taarana Tvam!

#dhrupadmusicfoundation #mukunddev #naadyoga #worldmusicday2023

Dhrupad| World Music & Yoga Day 2023 (Season-6) Day-1| Dhrupad Music Foundation| Odisha Dhrupad|

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