
October 1869 General Conference

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Text sources: Cannon, George Q. "Celestial Marriage." Journal of Discourses. Volume 13. October 9, 1869: pg. 197-209.
Hyde, Orson. "The Right to Lead the Church, Etc." Journal of Discourses. Volume 13. October 6, 1869: pg. 179-183.
Pratt, Orson. "Celestial Marriage." Journal of Discourses. Volume 13. October 7, 1869: pg. 183-196.
Smith, George A. "Celestial Marriage—Bishops and Deacons Should Be Married—Divorce." Journal of Discourses. Volume 13. October 8, 1869: pg. 37-42.
Snow, Lorenzo. "Acting in the Name of the Lord." Journal of Discourses. Volume 13. October 9, 1869: pg. 253-259.
The Deseret News. "Thirty-Ninth Semi-Annual Conference." October 13, 1869: pg. 426-428.
Young, Brigham. "Remarks." The Deseret News, October 13, 1869: pg. 14-15.
Young, Brigham. "Discourse." The Deseret News, December 1, 1869: pg. 507-508.

Image sources:
Image of Daniel H. Wells: The Contributor, May 1891.
Image of George A. Smith: The Contributor, October 1882.
Image of Orson Pratt: The Contributor, November 1890.
Image of Brigham Young: Improvement Era, January 1911.
Image of Orson Hyde: Improvement Era, January 1911.
Image of Lorenzo Snow: Improvement Era, June 1899.
Image of George Q. Cannon: The Contributor, October 1890.
Image of Wilford Woodruff: The Contributor, November 1894.
Image of Charles C. Rich: Wikipedia, Public Domain.
Image of Erastus Snow: Improvement Era, February 1911.
Image of Franklin D. Richards: Improvement Era, November 1913.

All images are in the public domain, as is all text read.

To read the text version for yourself, as well as many more, visit https://historicalgeneralconferences.weebly.com/

October 1869 General Conference

Talk by George A. Smith October 1869 - Celestial Marriage

Talk by George Q. Cannon October 1869 - Celestial Marriage

Talk by George A. Smith October 1869 - How Far the Kingdom of God Has Come Since the Beginning

Talk by Orson Pratt October 1869 - Celestial Marriage

Talk by Brigham Young October 1869 - Perfecting the Saints

Talk by Erastus Snow October 1869 - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Talk by Orson Hyde October 1869 - The Right to Lead the Church

April 1869 General Conference

Talk by Lorenzo Snow October 1869 - Acting in the Name of the Lord

Talk by Brigham Young October 1869 - Office of a Bishop

Talk by Wilford Woodruff October 1869 - Laws of God Over Laws of Man

Talk by Daniel H. Wells October 1869 - Government of God, Home Manufactures

Talk by Orson Pratt October 1869 - Restoration of the Priesthood

Talk by George Q. Cannon April 1869 - The Order of Enoch

Talk by Brigham Young April 1869 - State of the Church

October 1868 General Conference

April 1858 General Conference

Talk by Brigham Young April 1869 - Responsibility for Teachings

Talk by Brigham Young May 1870 - Doctrine of Celestial Marriage

Talk by George A. Smith May 1870 - Organization of the Church

April / May 1870 General Conference

Your Personal Checklist for a Successful Eternal Flight

Talk by Brigham Young October 1870 - Meeting in Conference

Man’s Eternal Horizon

Talk by Brigham Young October 1854 - Marriage Relations of Bishops and Deacons

October 1854 General Conference

Talk by Brigham Young May 1870 - Proper Conduct in Meeting

Talk by Orson Hyde October 1870 - Testimony

Revelation Given to Joseph Smith, Jr. July 1843 read August 1852 - Celestial Marriage

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