
真香!巨解馋的卤肉饭 Lu Rou Fan (Braised Pork Rice) Comfort, Delicious and Homely | 尚食厨房 Shangshi Kitchen

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#尚食厨房 #shangshikitchen #卤肉饭
Homemade braised pork rice is so good! It is so fragrant with the braised egg and tofu skin that fall in one bite! The most special flavor of this dish is the aroma of fried onions, which penetrates into all the ingredients, and is a perfect match with rice.

200 Pork belly 五花肉
200g Red onion 紫洋葱
3 Beancurd Sticks 腐竹
5 Dried shiitake mushrooms 香菇
6 Eggs 鸡蛋
3g Ginger 姜
3 cloves Garlic 蒜
20g (1.6 tbsp) Sugar 糖
1 tsp Black pepper 胡椒粉
2 tbsp Cooking wine 料酒
2 tbsp Soy sauce 酱油
1 tbsp Dark soy sauces 老抽
1 tbsp Oyster sauce 蚝油
Salt 盐
Cooking oil 油

Yoshikawa Yukihira Saucepan 炸葱用的锅:https://amzn.to/3w1CSaZ
My favorites: https://www.amazon.com/shop/shangshikitchen

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