
Sleep chakra meditation music: Deep Sleep Meditation, Root Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing

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Balance and heal the 7 chakras during a Sleep meditation. Enter a deep relaxation state starting with the Root Chakra Meditation.

ROOT or BASE CHAKRA (Muladhara) – Zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus

The Root chakra is governed by the 4th Ray of "Harmony through Conflict". This chakra symbol represents the most earth-centered energy. According to Sandra Weaver It stands for our inherited beliefs through our formative years. Self-preservation, personal survival and our identification with the physical world centers in this bottom most of the main seven chakras.

A healthy root chakra connects you with vitality to your family of origin, your immediate society and to the global community. According to the referred author if your 0-7 years were challenging and without love, then this damaged root chakra will function much differently. Issues of survival such as emotional dysfunction, stress, anxiety, and restlessness will plague you.

In the article "The Seven Chakra Symbols and Their Meaning" Sandra Weaver also explains that "You’ll have fears of letting go, scarcity, poor boundaries, and more. It’s during the 0-7 years that we learn about where we fall in our relationships with siblings, parents, our community, and how we relate to them."

The author also refers the healthy issues associated with this Chakra: Joint pain, lower backache, elimination problems, obesity, constipation, anorexia, and poor immune system function.

So you can meditate on this chakra Sandra Weaver suggests you ask yourself the following questions:

What beliefs did you inherit or learn from your family?
Is there unfinished business between you and your parents?
What limiting beliefs did you learn about personal survival and money?
Do you have personal boundaries that you maintain?
Is it difficult for you to bond with others?
Are you often sick or suffering from illness?

If your answers are mostly negative, or you are not sure, this could be a sign that you have a blockage on this Chakra.

Transcendence of unloving imprints in this chakra: "Others show you yourself and what you need to work on within, by their reflection of your own rejected or denied emotions."

This meditation session was inspired by the referred article by Sandra Weaver, you can read the entire article about the seven chakras in the link below:


NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:



A collection of chakra meditations for balancing & healing all the chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown chakra). This playlist also includes Healing meditations.



A collection of Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy. These mixes are very peaceful and include monk chants of buddhist monks. We also use Tibetan Singing Bowls and these mixes are influenced by Zen Meditation Music.



A great resource for Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. The influences of this playlist come from relaxing ambient music, space music and binaural beats. This is also a sleep music playlist.



We use binaural beats several times for this kind of sleep meditations. Our music is also written with the Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies like the powerful 528 Hz. These frequencies will induce deep states of relaxation and the binaural beats will stimulate deep meditation states.



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Nu Meditation Music

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