
Magical Steps To Financial Wealth

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Seven Steps To Financial Wealth Livestream Lecture with Ariel Gatoga

These seven steps have proven themselves repeatedly to be extremely helpful when one is searching to find financial abundance.

Magical Steps for Financial Abundance:

1. Work on spells for the things you want to buy with the money rather than only spells for money itself.

2. When money comes in, immediately follow the magic steps to increase: a) tithe; b) pay taxes; c) save.

Here's lecture on tithing: https://youtu.be/ofwfbzNPtBw

3. Don’t complete negative sentences about money, reverse them immediately. For instance, if you catch yourself saying, “I can’t afford that,” simply change it to something like, “The way is opening for me to purchase this now.”

4. If worries come up around money, purify them immediately by saying, “Infinite Intelligence knows the way. This need is now met under Divine Law.”

5. Take some time to daily consider that Infinite Intelligence is the source of all things. It is just as easy for this power to manifest as money in your life as a blade of grass in a field.

6. Make the firm decision that you are ready to KNOW that you are entitled to the wealth you desire.

7. Tell yourself daily, “I am one with Infinite Intelligence, the source of my existence. This power that is the source of my life is also the source of all my supply. I allow Infinite Intelligence to manifest wealth for me easily, abundantly, and joyously.”

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:15 Lecture
00:21:50 Closing

Listen to more lectures by Ariel Gatoga here: https://www.arielscorner.com/lectures

Music: "Silence is The Key" by Isobelle Walton

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Everything that is offered on this channel is based on traditional methods. Nothing on this channel is intended to offer or replace professional medical care, professional legal advice, or professional financial advice. All material is for your own enrichment. Ariel's Corner bears no responsibility whatsoever in your use of these materials.

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