
《蘭亭序 Lan-Ting-Xu》|周杰倫Jay Chou| Zither/guzheng,古筝 | Coverd by Cujjianghui崔江卉

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For more music scores and tutorials, please follow the WeChat official account "崔江卉古筝"。Bilibili/Weibo/Netease Music : 崔江卉


If you have questions about sheet music and guzheng, please refer to the first post of my channel community:

More videos and music moments:
Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/25617687
Netease Music : https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=94612855
WeiBo: https://www.weibo.com/3920676570/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6ff

《蘭亭序 Lan-Ting-Xu》|周杰倫Jay Chou| Zither/guzheng,古筝 | Coverd by Cujjianghui崔江卉

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蘭亭序 古箏版

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