
'Avengers: Infinity War' Official Trailer (2018) | Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr.

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Watch the official trailer for MCU action-adventure “Avengers: Infinity War” starring Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johansson, Karen Gillan, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Ruffalo, Zoe Saldana, Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner, Josh Brolin, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Anthony Mackie, and Don Cheadle. Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo.

Release Date: May 4th, 2018

Plot Summary
As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.

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